
The staff at Park Road is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of us, feel free to reach out.

Chris DiVietro

Senior Pastor

Liesel Ackley

Pastor of Administration

Liv Holeva

Director of Worship, Communications, and Student Ministry

Liz DiVietro

Director of Children's Ministry


Elders constitute our Session - our governing body. Elders oversee the spiritual health and wellbeing of the church by providing leadership to various ministries including, but not limited to, worship, sacraments, discipleship, evangelism, and mission. In addition to shepherding the Park Road Church family as a whole, elders are expected to take initiative by modeling personal involvement in the areas of discipleship, spiritual formation, and leadership development.

Read our monthly meeting minutes attached in our weekly eblast or posted at the gathering space info desk. With questions, please contact Ginny Thomas, Clerk of Session.

Gary Fox
Julie Hope
Brian Keeny
Gabi Lockhart
Alison Pryski
John Roland
Ginny Thomas | Clerk of Session
Mike Wehn


Deacons seek to build an experience of Christian community for the Park Road Church family. Deacons serve the needs of the congregation through four teams: congregational care and support, material needs, guest connections, and fellowship.

Carl Andrews

Congregational Care and Support

Becky Batman

Material Needs

Wayne Cockrell

Material Needs

Don Dawes

Guest Connections

Leith Frisch

Congregational Care and Support

Hilary Folga

Congregational Care and Support

Ed Hollock

Guest Connections

Bob Macadangdang

Material Needs

Linda Mackey


Cindy Neel


Gail Simmons

Moderator of Deacons

Julie Smith

Congregational Care and Support

Presbyterian polity (governance) values the inclusion of lay leadership in the order of the church. Those in leadership have been nominated and elected by fellow covenant partners within the congregation who affirm that they exhibit the gifts and spiritual maturity to serve in these roles.

The Corporation Bylaws of Park Road Presbyterian Church