Children's Ministry


Love God, Learn about God, and Live for God. 


The desire of the Children’s Ministry at Park Road is to love our Savior, train up our children to know God’s story of redemption, and to live lives in a God glorifying manner. 


The purpose of the Children’s Ministry is to equip and facilitate families in discipling their children. By offering the following opportunities, we pray families feel supported and encouraged:

  • Elementary Kid’s Church meets every Sunday during service (age 4 to 5th grade) 
  • Nursery & Preschool Kid’s Church is available throughout the service for children birth - age 4. 
  • Sunday School classes meet from September-April following the worship service. Classes for preschoolers, younger and older elementary students are offered. 
  • Special events happen throughout the year. 


Our curriculum, The Gospel Project, is structured to take kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Children discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. This chronological journey incorporates Jesus in every lesson by either pointing to, reflecting upon, or looking forward to the return of King Jesus. Through this curriculum it is the prayer of the Children’s Ministry that every heart will be softened and transformed as they experience the truth of the gospel. 

Safety Information:

At Park Road we value and love every single child who walks through our doors and our responsibility is to help safeguard and protect those precious gifts. One of the ways we are committed to doing this is by keeping up-to-date background clearances on file. Every adult that serves with kids goes through the PA Child Abuse History Clearance, PA State Police Criminal Background Check, and the FBI Criminal History Clearance every 60 months. They also sign and read a Volunteer Handbook outlining additional measures we take to ensure the safety of all children. View our volunteer handbook here.

If you have further questions about how we can best serve you and your children, please contact the Children’s Ministry Director.