Youth Ministry

At Park Road we are committed to fully engaging our families and students in everything that we do. Students are not the next generation - they are an important part of today's Church!


We want young people to know that they have gifts to contribute to the Kingdom of God and they are an important part of our community. We also want families to know that we support them in their efforts towards raising young people who love and serve the Lord.

Summer Youth Group

Join us for Summer Youth Group!

Meeting the first Sunday of every month. Bring a friend... or two... or three. Contact Justin and Melissa Snyder for more information. 

When We Meet

Every Sunday from September through June, Youth Group follows worship at 11:00. We meet to laugh and have fun together with good snacks, conversation, and prayer. The youth are involved in planning and making youth group activities their own.


Journey427 is an additional gathering for 4th-7th graders every other Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 at a different location each time, typically centered around good food. The students focus on having fun together and discuss things that are relevant to their age group. 

To get connected with either group, contact Liesel Ackley.

How we serve

We treat all outreach, worship, and service opportunities as intergenerational ministry. Youth are welcomed and encouraged to participate in activities alongside their friends and family. We believe active participation in the life of the church and community help young people grow into a vibrant faith.

Students are welcome to come hang out to see what we're about. You can always reach out to Liesel Ackley with any questions.